A world of imagination

Kids in control with Yoto Player

Yoto Player is a carefully connected speaker – it has the smarts of a connected device, but all the content is safe, since the Yoto Card Store has been built for kids from the ground up.

A world of stories, music, activities, podcasts, radio and other inspiring audio

The Gruffalo
Merveilleuse nature
Space Adventure
The Magic Faraway Tree
Mon Premier album de musique classique
Room on the Broom
Bonne nuit
The Enormous Crocodile
Peter and the Wolf
Mes 100 premiers mots
Hey Grandude!
The Snail and the Whale
Story Shed Podcast
Mrs H Sings
Bonne nuit (Version digitale)
Mes 100 premiers mots (Version digitale)
Merveilleuse nature (Version digitale)

Make Your Own cards

Fill blank Yoto cards with your own choice of audio, then play them on Yoto Player!

There is almost no limit to the audio you can put on them - from home recorded stories in your own voice,
to music playlists from your MP3 collection, to any piece of audio in the Yoto app.

Inspiring the next generation of independent creative minds

More than a smart speaker

With Yoto Player, cards are just one way to play. Yoto has a whole ecosystem of features, a lot which you can access for free!

Parental Settings

The Yoto App helps get your Player online so it can play cards. Then use it to manage settings on the Player and see and play all your cards. 

A second adult can pair to the same Player, to create a family group.

Some nice people, saying nice things

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